DNA is endowed with state-of-the-art memory capabilities, with no expiration limitation.
DNA's memory is compartmentalized into four types: Procedural memory, Semantic memory, Episodic memory, and Prescriptive memory.
Procedural memory
Retrieved memories are weighted for recency and occurrence, looking at relevant episodic and semantic memories brought into the current context. The present conversation context covers the most recent utterances to provide short-term context.
Semantic memory
The portraits module looks at the general impressions and traits of the user consistently recalibrated, and a conceptual understanding of the DNA's to any given relationship. Includes facts and details about people, places, and interests with a correlational analysis among all entities.
Episodic memory
A synthesized overview of major relationship events and developments, with concise session summaries generated post-conversation session to capture key episodic memories. This memory form also includes the raw dialogue exchanges, chunked and embedded for retrieval of specific events and interactions.
Prescriptive memory
Rules, guidelines, and preferences expressed by the user, are prioritized based on the emphasis of importance, relevance, recency, and occurrence. Together this is the directionality module, where DNA filters every response based on previous user commands and preferences expressed.
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