Business Use Case: AI-Based Illegal Content Detection on Storage Blockchains

In the era of digital content explosion, blockchain, and decentralized storage technologies have emerged as game-changers, offering data permanence and resistance to censorship. These features however present a significant challenge in content governance. Unlike centralized platforms that can moderate and remove inappropriate content, decentralized networks lack these control mechanisms.

This gap becomes critically problematic when it comes to illegal and harmful content as the permanence of such content on the blockchain poses legal and ethical issues.

The Objective and Solution

The primary objective of this business case is to create a robust, blockchain-integrated solution to effectively monitor and prevent the upload of illegal content to decentralized storage networks. This requires decentralization, immutability, and responsible content governance for ethical and legal compliance.

The solution on the DNA Layer would be an AIVM Kernel that specializes in vision AI and image-based detection. Through DNA Layer's modular infrastructure, this model would seamlessly interface with the smart contract protocols of connected decentralized storage services like Arweave for access to all visual content it is meant to evaluate.

The models housed in this AIVM Kernel, in particular, would be trained on datasets focused on illegal content identification, and would be continually updated through DNA Layer's model upload pipeline to adapt to ever-evolving digital content forms. Leveraging DNA Layer's smart contract infrastructure, these models would also be embedded directly into the smart contract layer of Arweave, ensuring that all content undergoes real-time analysis before being uploaded to the blockchain. This level of vertical integration would allow for an immediate response to any detected illegal content on DNA Layer.

DNA Layer's unique mining process, where miners equipped with GPU-powered nodes are incentivized to process AI inference queries, would be activated to secure the network and reach consensus on content detection for requests initiated out of this Kernel.

DNA Layer would apply Dynamic Resource allocation for this business case, allowing for flexible scaling of resources, where the expenditure of DNA tokens determines the number of miners allocated for each content analysis request. Furthermore, stakeholders would inure the architectural benefits of DNA Layer's modular network design, including enhanced trust through DNA’s token staking paradigm, whereby miners are required to stake a certain amount of DNA tokens when participating in inference, creating an economic incentive for accurate and honest processing of content. DNA Layer's dynamic allocation of resources serves as a deterrent against spam or abuse, as higher token costs for larger volumes of content detection data would ensure that the system is used judiciously.

The Outome

This solution on DNA Layer offers a proactive approach to content moderation, ensuring that illegal materials are identified and blocked before they become part of the permanent blockchain record. This preemptive strategy is crucial in preventing the spread and permanence of harmful content. Leveraging DNA Layer's decentralized network of miners and having AI models stored on distributed networks avoids central points of control or failure, maintaining security while safeguarding transparency despite introducing an additional layer of content moderation.

Last updated